Review of “Flanagan”, by James H. Longmore


Chris and Helen Sewell, married for ten years, are High School teachers who have no children of their own and, after undergoing tests to determine their suitability for fertility treatment, they are informed that there is no chance they will ever conceive; Chris’s “swimmers” are immotile, and Helen’s body was ravaged by chlamydia years before they got together.
Desperate to reconnect with each other and recharge their sexual batteries, they decide to use their Spring Break holiday to visit a retreat, and as it is a long drive, they decide to stop off overnight at a motel in Flanagan, a one-horse town without a horse.
The following day, the couple are taken hostage by an unsavoury group of locals and are subjected to a series of twisted “games”, and are forced to perform increasingly nasty and perverse acts of physical, mental and sexual torture upon each other, and also have brutal sexual acts performed on them by their captors.
To top it off, Chris and Helen are informed that when the bells ring on an old alarm clock that is placed nearby, they will be killed.
The tension mounts as the clock ticks, and as the reader reaches what they think is the end, that’s when James H. Longmore throws in the plot twist, which you won’t see coming, and it’s a doozy!
This is extreme horror, extreme sex, and it’s an extremely good read, spoiled a little by more than a few grammatical errors.

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